Sunday, April 26, 2009

my best day

this is what a perfect day would look like for me:
First I would go to an AMAZING rummage sale at a local church.
Here I would find all sorts of treasures (7 to be exact) for only $10.
Then, I would get to spend an hour in the car with Cassie, Julie and Nathanial.
Once we had finally reached our destination, Olympia, Cassie and I would change into costume.
Then the 4 of us would eat a delicious lunch at a fun, quirky cafe.
While at the cafe, our waiter would tell me he doesn't believe in words like good and bad.
I would think he was crazy.
Then we would go outside and join the masses of people and draw on the sidewalk.
Then this would begin and Cassie and I would participate.
I would marvel at all of the costumes, art, and people.
Oh, and this person would meet me at the procession:
Then we would hang out in Olympia for a while.
And I would wish the procession would have never ended.
Then we would head home, and make it just in time to see the end of the YSA talent show.
Jon and Steve would win for their amazing Kanye cover.
Then I would watch a movie with a good friend.
I would close the day by writing a blog about my day.
The whole day would have been filled with magic, happiness, and excitement.
Yup, that is what my best day would look like.


Unknown said...

I hope you have more days like this.

k d L said...

i love that adventure... :)